About us
DLG – the foundation on which innovation and progress are built
The DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft - German Agricultural Society) was founded by Max Eyth in 1885. With over 30,000 Members, the DLG is a leading organization in the agricultural and food sectors.
The DLG seal of approval is
The DLG is an expert organisation, open to all and politically independent.
The DLG’s mandate is to promote technical and scientific progress. With its projects and activities the DLG sets standards and provides impulses for progress.
The DLG shares knowledge and expertise wordwide with leading international practitioners, experts and other specialist organisations. Its activity areas are:
- Knowledge transfer
- Trade exhibitions
- Machinery and farm input tests
- Food tests
About Young DLG
Creative people - fresh ideas - new perspectives – that´s what the Young DLG stands for. The community is bringing all DLG-members aged up to 36 years together to discuss and advance fresh ideas. Currently, the young DLG includes 8.000 members of young farmers, students and young professionals.
- Being a network and a provider of impulses for important subjects within the agricultural business
- Giving a platform for young agricultural entrepreneurs, students and young professionals
- Support for business starters and startups
- Support by individual career planning, by professional know-how and networking
- Regional, national and international involved
- The young DLG organizes regularly special events, field trips, seminars, presentations and panel discussions
- Every year at the DLG-fairs AGRITECHNICA or EuroTier in Hanover we organize a international Young Farmers Congress with translation into English and German language
- After the Young Farmers Congress, we organize a big Young Farmers Party for the fair visitors!
- The DLG Young Talents Award grants scholarships for further training to qualified junior staff in the agricultural and food industry
Learn more
International DLG Prize
Every year the DLG awards scholarships for further education to young professionals in agricultural and nutrition sciences.